Surviving your first day in a new job

26 Aug 2019 | 3 min read

Your first day in a new job will always be a memorable one, for hopefully the right reasons. Ofcourse starting a new job is going to come with some stress and nerves but making a positive impression is still possible regardless of this.

Walking into your new job, your mind goes into overdrive; how can I stop my hands from shaking, where will I be sitting, what will today involve, should I have brought lunch and so on.

Confidence is key

Confidence resonates from the inside out, so when you walk through the front door on your first day just remember they wanted to hire you and you are there for a reason. Wear your favorite (appropriate) outfit so that you feel at your best. In addition to this, smile and keep an open mind throughout the day. The more positive you are, the more positive your first impression will be.

Make travel plans

Don’t be on time for your first day, be EARLY.

Be yourself

As obvious as it may sound, it’s important that you are yourself. This is your new company for the next while so you want these people to know the real you.

Talk to everyone

Walking into any size of a company can be overwhelming, you know no one andyou’re unsure what each person’s role is. So, don’t be afraid to ask lots of questionsand take a few notes along the way. Talking to everyone is a stepping stone to blossoming friendships in the future.

Remember why you wanted this job

Sometimes, the stress of your first day can become all too much and you wonder if taking this job was worth it. Just remember, everyone has first day jitters and fears but in the blink of an eye you will have your first month complete and will wonder why you ever worried. Leaving a previous job for another is like stepping into the unknown, but remember you wanted this and now you are lucky enough to have it.

Surviving your first day in a new job