The Fundamental of Body Language in an Interview
1) Be aware in the waiting room:
Waiting for the interview to begin may seem like a great time to catch up on emails or send a text, but your time would be better spent introducing yourself to the receptionist and waiting patiently. If you're able to, choose a seat where you can see the door you think the interviewer will enter through so there is no awkwardness when they come in.
2) Lay all the way back in your chair:
Sitting firmly and lean all your back straight against the chair. It’s the first thing EBR recommends – an automatic signal of assurance and confidence. Pretending there’s a string pulling you up from the crown of your head.
3) You are what you wear:
It is a well-known fact that clothing can say a lot about your attitude and your confidence with respect to the position you are applying for, which is why you should find out about the business’s dress code in advance of the interview. This means clean shoes, well cared-for fingernails and combed hair. A sloppy appearance can leave a bad taste in the potential employer’s mouth even before the interview has started. So, when it comes to job interviews, the clothes make the man.
4) Eye contact is stand for openness and interest:
A more effective way to ensure you look interested and engaged is to look different parts of someone's face every two seconds, rotating from eyes, to nose, to lips, so you're never just drilling into the interviewer's eyes. If you are engaged in conversation with several people, it is important to ensure that you primarily maintain eye contact with the person who asked the question. You should, however, maintain some eye contact with the other people in the room. That shows interest and helps you to secure their attention.
5) Saying goodbye – your last chance to win them over
Just as you would when you are greeting them, reach out your hand to your interviewer once again, making sure to maintain eye contact, and say goodbye with a smile and plenty of self-confidence – and be sincere about it! Walk out of the building with an upright posture and keep your body taut until you are out of sight. Only then will your body language stop communicating about you, and only then can you afford to relax. From facial expressions through to gestures and posture, greeting rituals and goodbyes, as humans, we communicate nonverbally during every second of our lives, and that includes your interview for your next job.