Benefits of Employee Engagement
Keeping your employees engaged with their tasks and motivated to complete them is crucial in aiding performance and delivering desirable results. However, the problem comes with finding methods to fuel this engagement and thus motivation. Below, we broke down some important tips to keep in mind when trying to improve employee engagement.
What is employee engagement and why do I need it?
Just because an employee is working five days a week, does not mean that they are genuinely engrossed in their work and producing at an optimal level for all five days. Thus, employee engagement can be critical to a company’s success. Employee engagement is defined as the level of interest and dedication that employees have to completing their work and fulfilling their duties to their company. Employee engagement is important because it helps improve productivity, creativity and task outcomes.
Tips on improving employee engagement
Continually ask for feedback
In order for employees to work productivity, they need to feel motivated. One of the best ways to motivate employees is to allow them to voice their own opinions. By allowing all employees to have a say on certain situations, they will feel more involved with the company and obtain a greater sense of importance. This will naturally lead to higher levels of satisfaction and engagement with the company.
Put that feedback into use
Once you have gained some important feedback, make sure to implement it. Employees will quickly lose faith in you if you ask for feedback, promise to implement them, only to not go through with your words. So always discuss thoroughly with your employees what their opinions are and how they can be applied to improve operations and the working environment, then implement their suggestions if needed.
Create a friendly workplace
The general atmosphere of the working environment can highly influence a worker’s ability to engage with their work effectively. Creating a friendly, welcoming workplace will help workers feel more comfortable within their space, which will lead to higher levels of satisfaction, engagement and hence productivity. You can create a friendly workplace by being supportive instead of disparaging. Always reward employees for their achievements or progress, and encourage them to open up about their own issues or questions.
Focus on groupwork
Collaboration between team members is an excellent way to foster closer relationships between employees and also boost performance. When employees feel closer and more comfortable with one another, they can feel more engaged with their work. Conducting tasks that involve collaborations can be professional or non-professional. For example, you can set a group project for employees to complete, whereby employees can share their own thoughts, opinions and ideas to optimise project outcome. Or, you can host sports games or meet ups outside of the office to allow more collaboration to occur more naturally.