CEO Corner-Check Out All Of Our Current Job Opportunities!
This month EBR has experienced a fair share of growth within our own team. Our resourcers are here to help you find the best possible job that is the right fit for you. We currently have a number of great opportunities available spanning over our specialised industries which consist of GIS, Environmental & IT. Below are a list of a few of our current top jobs:
- GIS Analyst
- GIS Senior Analyst & Data Manager
- GIS Technician
- Spatial Software Developer
- Surveying Project Manager
- Systems Support Specialist (GIS Administrator)
- Autcad Contractor
- Environmental Scientist
- Graduate Engineering Geologist
- Senior Engineering Geologist
- Senior Geotechnical Engineer
- Graduate Programmer
- .NET Architect/Developer
- Technical Officer
- Senior Web Developer
If you are actively seeking work have a look at our website & check out all of our current opportunities. Don't forget that our services are absolutely free to you!
By registering at EBR, you are providing yourself with an opportunity to let us consider you for job opportunities. We are constantly in contact with our candidates and we do everything in our power to ensure your happiness and satisfaction. If you wish to be registered with EBR you can do so by registering on our website or alternatively you may email your cover letter & CV to