EBR Celebrity Candidate Interview #4

21 Jul 2009 | 3 min read

1. If you could be any sports star, who would you be?
Michael Jordan

2. What types of music do you like listening to?
All types – metal, rock , hip hop, dance

3. How did you get into the IT industry?
Through a friend – I had a lot of experience through youth. I worked for a friend and got a good job through him.

4. How long have you been working in the IT industry?
9 years

5. Do you have a positive experience you can share about where you work or what you do?
In my last job there was a lot of major work, there was a national upgrade internationally. I got a bright sparks award which was for going beyond a job and is rewarded once a year to only 5 people out of 500.

6. What are your most enjoyable things about coming to work?
Getting to help people. I love technology and want people to understand technology

7. What is your thought on the current economic situation?
With every bad thing that happens, something good comes out of it. I think everyone should remain positive

8. Do you see this affecting you?
Yes to some affect however nothing we can’t adapt to

9. What are the 3 most important traits you look for when seeking a new job?
· Friendly working environment
· Challenging type of work
· Keen to learn new things/on the job learning

10. What are the 3 most important things in your life?
· Gadgets (Technology)
· Friends and family
· To be happy

11. Who is someone you look up to most?
 My mum.

EBR Celebrity Candidate Interview #4
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