Fair Work: Effective January 1st 2010!

12 Jan 2010 | 3 min read

Significant changes have being made to Australia's workplace laws, which come into effect as of January 1st 2010. "The changes include the introduction of new National Employment Standards (NES), many employers in New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and South Australia moving into the national system, and the commencement of modern awards." (Fair Work Online).

The introduction of 10 National Employment Standards entitles all staff to have access to the Fair Work Information Statement provided by the Fair Work Ombudsman. Know your rights and obligations. To help you be prepared for how these changes effect you, you can access the Fair Work Information Statement to view the 10 National Employment Standards. These standards could regulate the amount of hours you should be working per week as well as what rate of pay you should be receiving. We recommend you keep a copy of the Information Statement for future reference.

For more information visit Fair Work Online.

Fair Work: Effective January 1st 2010!
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