Lets Have Fun in the Workplace!

5 May 2009 | 3 min read

Recent research has shown that 'fun' in the work place can increase productivity among workers and effect positive change to corporate culture. A recent study claims, "workers consume 15 tons of aspirin a day, and one in four suffers from an anxiety-related illness. Soon job stress will be the number one reason for worker’s compensation". As more companies lose productive time of their primary assets, their employees, to stress, it is essential that they find ways to minimize its effects and improve employee performance, and  'fun' may be one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to do so.  

EBR has always adopted a balanced work/life philosophy and we like to incorporate fun whenever possible. It makes the job easier when we have a few practical jokers in the work place, and in a pressured environment, fun in the workplace is a great reprise from the everyday pressures. It’s a great pick me up and energy booster!  

At EBR we like variety, so coming up with new ideas is always the challenge! Lately we have been playing musical chairs, juggling through our morning meetings and playing ten-pin bowling! To make things interesting we mix this up with charity donations, so when we play ten pin, every pin we drop is a dollar donated to a charity. Not only have we had a 'fun' 5min break, we have made a positive impact to society by donating and we have re-energised ourselves! 

So as you read this, think of ways you can improve your day and those around you, throw in a bit of 'fun' into your workplace!

- By Peter Seeto - Senior Recruitment Consultant / Team Leader BSc Geography/GIS

Reference: Lauren Breeze, Adrienne Dawson and susanna Khazhinsky, Humor in the Workplace: Anecdotal Evidence Suggests Connection to Employee Performance, St. Edward's University. https://www.stedwards.edu/business/pdf/PerspectivesV0201_10.pdf 

Lets Have Fun in the Workplace!
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