Living the Dream!
With the world economy seemingly getting worse every single day, and with job security a thing of the past, now is a good time to start thinking about directions.
For instance, one or two years ago people could plan their careers and feel relatively settled in a job, or even in a particular profession, today they are finding it increasingly difficult to plan careers with any certainty.
So, if you are thinking of finding a new job perhaps a contract is ending or you aren’t getting the security that made the job attractive, don't get stressed, why not look at the positives?
Now is the time to pursue that job or career line that you always wanted. So what if it seems risky? Isn’t everything a risk at the moment?
A good example is Martin, who is a Manager for a large corporate company and has been working in the IT industry for eight years. Seeing other people affected by the current economic climate, Martin started to think about his career choices and thought “If I’m still doing this in 20 years time, then I’ve wasted my life.” So, he is giving up IT, taking a large pay cut and fulfilling his dream of becoming a fireman.
I am not suggesting that you give up your job, you could perhaps do that course you were always thinking of or visit that country you were always dreaming about (especially if you are asked to take your holidays).
If you are thinking about what your next job might be, or where to go from here, why not get in touch with us and talk it through.
Contact EBR on +612 9299 9199 for a confidential chat.