Wins and losses this year

14 Dec 2011 | 3 min read

This year has gone incredibly fast for me. And it has been an amazing year. Christmas is less than 2 weeks away, so its time to reflect.

What were your wins and what were your losses? For me, a big win was starting my kung fu school in February. This then turned into a bigger win, when I merged with a sister kung fu school and had all the financial matters (effortlessly) managed by another person. This has created more time for my family and has given me the opportunity to take up more study.

Whatever occurred for you, what will be important for the coming new year is to do more of what works, and less of what does not. In order to do that, you have to be honest with yourself and celebrate your wins and forgive yourself for the losses.

I would like to close this year, with the following:
* Learning is a never-ending process, so learn from your wins and losses
* Do something whacky (but safe)  this Christmas and start afresh next year
* Life is a game, so play all out, but most importantly, enjoy the game and don't take it so seriously

Have a great Christmas and a happy new year.

Wins and losses this year
tags: News
categories: News